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Texas Academic Performance Reports

The Texas Academic Performance Reports (TAPR) provide information on how students in Texas are performing academically.  These reports also provide information on student demographics as well as school staffing and programs.  

The intent of the Annual Performance Report is to inform the public about the educational performance of the district and its campuses.  The District must publish an annual report that includes several key elements.  TEC, §39.306, requires each district’s board of trustees to publish an annual report that includes the PDF Texas Academic Performance Report (TAPR) as well as additional information as outlined in the TAPR guidelines.

To access the most recent (2022-2023) Ector County ISD (ECISD) TAPR report as a PDF document click on the box below.

To view the presentation from the 2022-2023 TAPR System Public Hearing (2022-23 district performance), click here.

To search for reports for any Texas region, district, or campus, visit the TEA website here.