Summit K-12
Summit K-12
NOTICE: Do NOT use Classlinks to access Summit K-12
Students & teachers use this link to login:
Helpful tip: Helping students bookmark this site and save their username and password will save time for future logins
Help for teachers:
Teacher Guide - Getting Started with Summit K12
Help for administrators:
School Admin - TELPAS Benchmark Assessment Reports
Admin Report Dashboard - General
Reset Student Password - General
Summit K12 Help Center & Implementation Guides - TELPAS
Summit K-12 link
Website Accessibility
For some products and services ECISD contracts with third-party providers and does not have full control over such online content. When you click to these links you are leaving the ECISD website. If you use assistive technology and have trouble accessing information through a third-party provider you may contact our ECISD webmaster for assistance. We will make every reasonable attempt to work with the vendor to address your concern.