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Department Projects

Department Projects

ECISD’s Transportation Center, more commonly called the bus barn, was originally built in 1974 as an airport hangar/office. The school district has repurposed it to include the offices, garages and parking for its fleet of 170 buses. The proposed projects include repairs and improvements to this facility to make it big enough to service modern school buses.

New yellow buses for daily school routes, and two new charter buses for students’ out-of-town trips will also be funded by the bond.


The Technology portion of the 2023 bond proposal mostly focuses on campus and classroom items. One project that will impact the entire school district is the complete replacement of the phone system.

The existing PA, bell, clock systems, and fire alarms across ECISD will be replaced.

Security cameras will be refreshed across the district, along with additional safety equipment.

Right now, about one-half of ECISD classrooms have been equipped with interactive flat panels; the bond will provide the funding to purchase and install them in the rest of ECISD’s classrooms.

Large group instruction areas such as libraries, conference rooms, will receive new audio/visual equipment.


Bond 2023 includes a number of items for the ECISD’s Fine Arts programs. The largest item is the complete renovation of the existing auditorium at Permian High School.

The ECISD fine arts program regularly refurbishes and replaces the instruments students use in classrooms and performances. In addition to the renovation of the PHS auditorium, the bond would also provide funding:

  • To replace old instruments still in use
  • For performance risers for all middle school choirs
  • For classroom instruments for elementary schools
  • Provide new uniforms for middle school bands and the mariachi program
  • JROTC facilities. Many people do not realize JROTC falls under the direction of fine arts. Both Odessa High School and Permian High School provide JROTC opportunities for students. A program of the U.S. Army, JRTOC programs have very strict guidelines, including facility requirements, to remain active.


Located on the campus of Odessa HS, the Transition Learning Center assists students with special needs who are 18+ to transition from school to the workforce with life skills training. The bond will completely replace the existing facility.

ECISD’s Agriculture Farm (known as the Ag Farm) sits on about 25 acres in west Ector County and offers courses in Animal Science and Plant Science CTE pathways. The Ag Farm is anchored by two new greenhouses that opened in 2022. This bond would completely replace the classrooms and the animal barns and prepare the CTE programs for expansion.