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Foster Care and Student Success

Each school district is required to appoint one employee to act a liaison between the district and students in conservatorship of the state. Please visit the Foster Care & Student Success Website for additional information.

How do I know if a student is in foster care? 

The guardian should submit a “2085 Form” from the Department of Family and Protective Services. This form has different series and all series are acceptable. 

  • DFPS Placement Authorization Form 2085
  • DFPS Designation of Education Decision Maker Form 2085-E
  • A court order that names DFPS as the temporary managing conservator or permanent managing conservator.

Note: Court orders may be redacted to protect the student’s privacy if the information on the court order is not needed to identify DFPS as the conservator or to meet the student’s educational needs. 

What do I do when a student comes in with a 2085 Form? 

  • Students in foster care should be given immediate enrollment regardless of whether they have the necessary documentation and paperwork
  • DFPS has up to 30 days to ensure that the necessary enrollment paperwork is provided to the new school 
  • Upload documentation to FOCUS
  • Notify the district Foster Care Liaison Leticia Bernal (432-456-8561) of the student’s enrollment status.