Identifying Who is Homeless
Identifying Who is Homeless
Below is important information to all ECISD staff regarding the federal McKinney-Vento Act and Texas law which protects the rights of homeless students.
You play a crucial role in identifying and helping homeless students succeed in school. Many students are homeless but are never identified. If you see signs that a student might be homeless please contact the ECISD Community Outreach Center at 456-8569.
Who is Homeless?
Students living in a shelter (Family shelter, domestic violence shelter, youth shelter or transitional living program) Local examples include but are not limited to: Family Promise, Mission Messiah, Salvation Army, Angel House, Safe Place, High Sky Children’s Ranch;
Students living in a motel, hotel or weekly rate housing
Students living in a house or apartment with more than one family because of economic hardship or loss;
Students living in an abandoned building, a car, camper, at a campground, or on the street;
Students living in temporary foster care;
Students living in substandard housing (no electricity, no water, and/or no heat); or
Students living with friends or family because they are a runaway or unaccompanied youth.
Current research shows that less than 25% of homeless students graduate from high school in Texas and across the United States. Research also shows that each time a homeless student transfers schools they fall behind 3-6 months in their education. The Community Outreach Center staff provides services to homeless students. Scott Randolph is the district’s Homeless Liaison.
Homeless students have a legal right to:
Continue to attend the school in which they were last enrolled, even if they have moved away from that school’s attendance zone or district;
Receive transportation from their current residence back to their school of origin;
Qualify automatically for Child Nutrition Programs (Free and Reduced-Price Lunch and other district food programs);
Contact the district’s Homeless Liaison to resolve any disputes that arise during enrollment.
Other Legal Rights
Homeless students do not need to provide proof of residency, immunization records, TB skin test result, birth certificate, school records, or legal guardianship papers to enroll in school but do need to provide these within 30 days of enrollment.
The ECISD Community Outreach Center provides services to help homeless students enroll in school through the McKinney Vento Act. The center staff assists these students by removing obstacles and providing families with resources needed to support their education and graduate on time. Some of the resources provided are listed below:
Assistance with school enrollment
School supply assistance
ECISD bus transportation
Clothing assistance
Referrals to social services and housing
Free in home tutoring and credit recovery provided by ECISD teachers for Jr. High/High School students
Free computer lab with internet and printing capabilities available to students
Information and assistance regarding the rights of homeless students
For assistance please call the number below.
ECISD Community Outreach Center
301 E. Clements
Odessa, Texas (432) 456-8569
Helpful links for more information:
View the video in the middle of the page called “On Their Own”. The video tells about what issues Homeless Unaccompanied Youth face.
Texas Homeless Education Office
Direct Phone Lines:
456-5124 Leticia Bernal 456-0502