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Off-Campus Physical Education

Off-Campus Physical Education

Purpose of the Off-Campus Physical Education (OCPE) Program

The purpose of the OCPE Program is to accommodate students who are making a serious effort to develop higher-level skills in a specific activity that exceeds what the school district can offer through the general physical education program.  The OCPE Program allows students in 6th through 12th grades to earn credits that meet the district and state physical education requirements.  No students in elementary school will be considered for the off-campus program.  Students will be expected to be physically educated, along with being physically active.  They will be expected to show accountability of skill development, learned physical activity and health concepts, and social development through participation in their selected physical activity and written and tested assignments that are based on the Texas Essential Knowledge and Skills for Physical Education. 

Description of the Off-Campus Physical Education Program

The OCPE Program is a partnership between Ector County Independent School District and approved Off-campus agencies.  Only practice hours may count towards the state-required time.  Game days and competitions will not count toward the total weekly participation hours.  Agencies must provide an alternative place of instruction during inclement weather.  Students will receive a numerical grade for each grading period and a final numerical grade for the semester.  Students may not be enrolled in OCPE and any other general Physical Education class or Physical Education substitution at the same time.  The OCPE Agency will be monitored during the year to ensure that each student receives a quality, off-campus physical education experience. Parents must sumbit application two weeks prior to the start of the school year. 

In order for a waiver to be granted, ECISD will follow the guidelines set by the law as stated in Texas Administrative Code (TAC) §74.11 (d)(7)(C). The term “appropriate” implies, among other things, that the substitute activity is in congruence with the Physical Education Texas Essential Knowledge and Skills (TEKS) as closely as possible, if not above and beyond the rigor of the standards.  Providers may apply under one of the following categories:


  • Category I – High School (Olympic/National Level):  Participation and/or competition include a minimum of 15 hours per week of highly intensive, professional, supervised training.  The training facility, instructor, and the activities involved in the program must be certified by the superintendent to be of exceptional quality.  Students qualifying and participating at this level may be dismissed from school one hour per day.  Students dismissed may not miss any class other than physical education.

  • Category II – Middle and High School: Participation includes a minimum of 5 hours per week at a private of a commercially-sponsored agency that provides physical activities which include those certified by the superintendent to be of high quality and well supervised by appropriately trained instructors.  Students certified to participate at this level may not be dismissed from any part of the regular school day

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