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Compliments & Complaints

Compliments & Complaints

Compliment an ECISD Police Department Employee

If an employee of the ECISD Police Department has provided service that you feel went above and beyond the normal call of duty and you feel it should be complimented/commended, we want to know.  Please write a letter or email the Chief of Police.  You can also contact the on-duty supervisor about the job well done by the employee. The Chief will notify the employee and a copy will be placed in their personnel file.

Any person wanting to compliment/commend an employee of the ECISD Police Department may do the following:
     1.     Contact an on-duty supervisor at 432-456-9999, or
     2.     Mail a letter to the ECISD Police Department at 1314 N. Lee, Odessa, TX, 79761, or
     3.     Send an email to

It is important that you provide detailed information on the incident or event you are referring to regarding the compliment/commendation.

File a Complaint Against an ECISD Police Department Employee

It is the mission of the ECISD Police Department to provide the highest quality of police services to the students and faculty of Ector County ISD. The Internal Affairs Division takes this responsibility very seriously and is dedicated to ensuring that allegations of police employee misconduct are thoroughly investigated.

Complaint Procedures
Texas State Law (Govt. Code 614.022) requires that all complaints against police officers be in writing and signed by the person making the complaint. 

Any person wanting to file a complaint on an employee of the ECISD Police Department may do the following:

  1. Contact an on-duty supervisor at 432-456-9999.  The supervisor will discuss the issue with the complainant and explain the process for filing a formal complaint, or 
  2. Send a letter to the ECISD Police Department, Internal Affairs Division at 1314 N. Lee, Odessa, TX 79761. Once the information is reviewed, the complainant will be contacted and the process for filing a formal complaint will be explained, or
  3. Send an email to Once the information is reviewed, the complainant will be contacted and the process for filing a formal complaint will be explained.

The purpose of the investigation is to seek out the facts and ascertain the truth.  Allegations contained in a formal complaint investigation may have one of four outcomes:

Exonerated: The allegation is true, but the behavior was lawful and proper 

Unfounded: The allegation is either false or not factual

Not Sustained: There is insufficient evidence to either prove or disprove the allegation 

Sustained: Sufficient evidence exists to prove the allegation


False Complaints

Filing a false complaint against a police employee is a violation of the Texas Penal Code, Section 37.02. If a person knowingly and intentionally makes a false statement under oath, or swears to the truth of a false statement previously made under oath, a person may be found guilty and punished by a fine up to $4,000, confinement in jail up to one year, or by both fine and imprisonment.