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Internal Affairs Division

Racial Profiling Policy

Racial Profiling complaints are made in accordance with Senate Bill 1074, the ECISD Police Department shall: “accept complaints from any person who believes he or she has been stopped or searched based on racial, ethnic or national origin profiling .No person shall be discouraged, intimidated or coerced from filing a complaint, nor discriminated against because he or she filed such complaint.”

The Complaint Investigation Process

It is the policy of the ECISD Police Department to courteously receive and to investigate complaints concerning its employees. A person who desires to make a complaint may contact an on duty Supervisor or the Internal Affairs Investigator.

Persons who desire to make a complaint must understand the importance of submitting their complaint in writing with their signature affixed. (The Texas Government Code, Section 614.022, provides that all complaints to be considered on law enforcement officers must be in writing and signed by the person making the complaint.)


Phone: 432-456-9999 (Dispatch), 432-456-5733 (Office)

Investigator Rick Henegar