About Us
Here is how the To and Through Success Center can help our Students, Alumni, and Families.
Provide post-secondary information about college, career, and military readiness
Provide academic and career guidance
Coordinate internships and job shadowing experiences
Assist in developing a sense of self-worth
Assist in the acquisition of personal exploration, decision making, and goal setting skills needed to facilitate their educational development
Assist with acquiring the skills necessary for college and life after college
Advocate for those that move directly to the work-force after high school graduation and build self advocacy skills
Provide access to updated career opportunities and work readiness materials
Coordinate career activities and job fairs
Coordinate college activities and college fairs
Share scholarship opportunities
Work in conjunction with schools, ECISD, OC, and UPTB on college readiness activities designed to increase awareness of opportunities for students as they consider college
Communicate about any needed assistance (food, shelter, transportation, etc)
Coordinate volunteer opportunities
Arranging occupational and college field trips
Provide assistance with the ACCESS College & Career site
Provide assistance with college admissions process
Provide assistance with resume building
Whatever it takes to support your effective efforts towards your success.
To and Through Success Center | Administration Annex at NTO | 302 E. 29th St Odessa, TX 79762 | (432) 456-0098 | toandthroughsc@gmail.com