A Bond 2023 update, a look at how Career & Technical Education is impacting students highlight board agenda
Principal is appointed for Burleson Early Education Center opening next year
The Ector County ISD Board of Trustees held its January board meeting on the 21st. A recap of the agenda is below.
1. Roll Call.
2. Verification of compliance with open meetings requirements.
3. Genesis Saenz and Miguel Rodriguez from Blackshear Elementary led the pledges of allegiance.
4. Spanish Pastor Daniel Perez from Odessa Bible Church gave the invocation.
5. A full slate of special presentations included a ‘thank you’ video for School Board Recognition Month, the presentation of Aetna’s Well-being Award for ECISD’s Benefits/Risk Management Department, a $1,000 student scholarship presentation from the Texas Association of Schools Boards Risk Management Fund, the recognition of Crockett MS student Leon Apollo Valenzuela for creating an ornament chosen to hang on the Christmas tree in the Texas Capitol, the recognition of the Permian High School Band for qualifying for the UIL State Marching Contest for a fourth consecutive year, and the introduction of 19 student-athletes who earned Academic All-State honors in the fall semester.
6. In opening comments, Interim Superintendent Dr. Keeley Boyer acknowledged School Board Recognition Month, thanking the Trustees for their service and telling them how proud she is to be part of this Team of 8.
7. There was no public comment.
8. Bond 2023 Update
A. Update:
The update began with a look at the construction/renovation projects. About 50% of the construction documents have been received for the new Career & Technical Education high school. All should be in by the end of January, and it is still on track for groundbreaking in June.
The groundbreaking for the new middle school in West Odessa took place on January 16. Construction is underway with the school scheduled to open in Fall 2026.
Design plans are being finalized and permitting requirements being obtained for the Permian High School Auditorium renovation. Construction is expected to begin at the end of this school year.
There is a very similar report for the PHS JROTC facility. Design is complete and the project is going out for bid this month. Construction should begin by the end of this school year.
At Odessa High School, the design development phase is underway for the Transition Learning Center. Surveying and geotechnical drilling have been completed, and construction should begin soon.
The Ag Farm is currently in the design development phase and construction is expected to start at the end of this school year.
The Transportation Center is now under contract. The location is 8860 and 8866 NW Loop 338 on 35 acres of land with existing facilities.
Technology projects for Public Address/Bells/Alarms/Clocks are underway. Cabling is complete at Blackshear Elementary, Blanton Elementary, and Milam Elementary. Goliad, Gonzales and Ireland elementary schools are scheduled next. Hardware installation began at Burleson Elementary the week of January 13 (a reminder that Burleson will opened as an early education center in August 2025). New surveillance cameras are being installed at OHS now and will begin at PHS next week.
The financial report shows quite a bit of movement taking place. About 5% of bond proceeds have been spent so far, with about 30% now encumbered (designated for specific projects) through purchase orders – that’s nearly $127 million – most of that for the new middle school build.
A color selection committee for the new middle school has met and is considering color combinations for the campus.
Design meetings for the TLC and Ag Farm took place earlier in January and will meet again in the coming weeks.
The Bond Oversight Committee meets again on January 30.
9. Action items
A. Trustees voted 7-0 to approve purchases over $50,000. The one item on this list this month is approximately $1.6 million to CDW-G for network equipment to connect four (4) new bond-project sites to ECISD’s network.
B. Trustees voted 7-0 to approve budget amendment #4.
C. Trustees voted 7-0 to approve a revision of the 2024-25 calendar. This change will remove the last two days of summer school (July 1 & 2), allowing payroll for summer learning for elementary and middle school to be completed by June 30, the final day of the District’s fiscal year. High school continues until Summer Graduation in July.
D. Trustees voted 7-0 to approve the Election Order and Notice for the May 3, 2025, Board of Trustees Election. Positions 2, 4, 5, and 7 are up for election this spring.
E. Trustees voted to name two school board members to the Education Foundation of Odessa Board of Directors. On two ballots, Trustees elected Tammy Hawkins and Chris Stanley.
10. Trustees voted 7-0 to approve the Consent Agenda. The consent agenda is a group of routine, or previously discussed items presented together for a single approval vote. This month’s Consent Agenda included minutes of meetings; bills for payment; acceptance of donations over $10,000*; a memorandum of understanding with Angelo State University for a school counselor pathway; a grant resolution to the Office of the Governor for six (6) competitive grants for safety and security equipment; and an agreed corrective action plan pertaining to discipline during the 2022-23 school year involving students considered homeless.
11. Reports/Discussion Items
A. Trustees received a report on the Career & Technical Education (CTE) program, which is focused on preparing students for high-skill, high-wage, and in-demand occupations.
ECISD offers 30 CTE programs of study aligned to careers that meet criteria for in-demand and high wage occupations. Each program of study leads to postsecondary education, training opportunities and aligns with statewide graduation endorsements.
For 2024-25, 8,799 students are taking at least one CTE course. When you then consider students taking more than one CTE class, there are 15,549 seats filled across all CTE courses. About 2,260 CTE students travel every day from OHS, PHS and New Tech Odessa to one of five CTE satellite campuses to access their program of choice.
The 2023-24 Texas Academic Performance Report shows ECISD’s 2023 graduates earning their state-required CCMR (College Career and Military Readiness) credit through CTE Dual Credit (which is a course that gives high school and college credit simultaneously) was 51.8% - more than 28% higher than the state number of 23.6%.
The new, bond-approved, CTE high school will consolidate many programs onto one campus, will be the full-time high school for 400 students, and will accommodate 2,000 traveling CTE students each day. The ten (10) programs of study offered at the new center we identified by a community advisory committee considering labor market information (regional and state), student interest and local wisdom.
Also approved by voters in the last bond, the new Ag facility is being designed with three focus areas – program visibility; student, staff and animal safety; and community engagement.
Speaking of community engagement, the CTE and Counseling teams are hosting the annual 8th grade high school programs fair, on January 23 at Odessa College, to give this year’s 8th graders the chance to see the various high school programs and electives available to them in high school. Students will visit during the day, and it is open to parents and the community from 4:30-7:00 p.m. This knowledge will help students, and their families create their four-year plan to graduate high school.
The CTE Department continues to work with ACCESS, the Workforce Board and local employers to bridge the gap between education and employment by connecting the sides in career exploration and placement.
B. Trustees discussed their legislative priorities for the upcoming Texas Legislative Session. The ten priorities fall under three headings – School Finance, Human Capital and School Accountability (those priorities will be posted on the Trustees webpage this week). Amy Dodson from Raise Your Hand Texas spoke with board members about the legislative session that is now open and offered strategies for the board to advocate for issues that impact ECISD and public education. Communicating their priorities to the community, keeping abreast of bills being discussed and filed, staying in touch with legislators offering thoughts and opinions on how proposals will affect your staff, students, and families are effective. And encourage ECISD staff members and parents to speak on their own behalf to elected officials in Austin. Keep a focus on your board’s list of priorities and agree upon what would constitute a ‘win’ for your school district at the conclusion of the session.
12. Trustees moved to closed session to discuss hiring of a principal at Burleson Early Education Center, security audits, and the possible settlement of pending litigation.
A. Trustees voted 7-0 to accept the recommendation of the superintendent and the school’s attorney and direct the superintendent and the school’s attorney to proceed as discussed in closed session concerning Student v. Ector County Independent School District, before a Special Education Hearing Officer for the State of Texas; Docket No. 226-SE-0324.
13. Information Items – https://meetings.boardbook.org/Public/Agenda/1406?meeting=666553
14. In the closing remarks, Dr. Boyer announced that Tanya Galindo, currently the principal at Zavala Elementary School, will become the principal at Burleson EEC when it opens in August 2025.
15. The meeting adjourned at 8:39 p.m.
* $33,762 from Education Foundation of Odessa for ½ of salary/benefits for executive director of the Foundation for half-a-year
$27,775 from Education Foundation of Odessa for ¼ of salary for Inspiration Station staff for the year
$10,000 from Hemphill Charitable Foundation for needy student’s uniforms, cap and gown, and supplies