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2025 PIA Recipients

ECISD Principal Incentive Allotment recipients 2025

ECISD’s first Principal Incentive Allotment recipients are:

  • Jennie Chavez, Noel Elementary – Recognized Tier 3
  • Micah Arrott, Pease Elementary – Recognized Tier 3
  • Dr. Zenovia Crier, LBJ Elementary – Exemplary Tier 2
  • Dr. Delesa Styles, Permian High School – Exemplary Tier 2
  • Raquel Rodriguez, Ross Elementary – Exemplary Tier 3

With a keen focus on recruiting, retaining, and rewarding staff members, Ector Count ISD opened a new talent development pipeline on January 22, 2205, becoming one of the first school districts in Texas to implement a Principal Incentive Allotment (PIA) program that awards significant dollars to its most effective principals.

The first five recipients of the PIA were announced during a leadership team meeting. Four of the principals received a PIA check for $15,000 and one received a PIA check for $20,000. Principal Incentive Allotment awards are based on a combination of a school’s academic growth and the campus’s economically disadvantaged percentage. It is funded through a generous grant from the Permian Strategic Partnership which has pledged $100,000 per year for the next three years to make this leadership-development program a reality.